The Elks Lodge would like to welcome AttaBoys to our kitchen. The kitchen will be open from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday through Friday and orders must be in by 8:15 pm. They will also do take out if orders are made before 8:15 p.m. by calling the lodge at 724-226-1644. Please do not leave a message on this line as it will not be picked up until the following lodge business day.
Gift Certificates NOW Available – AttaBoy’s Kitchen is now offering Gift Certificates
for purchase. Please see any of our kitchen staff if you wish to buy one. They will be
available in $25.00 denominations. These also make great gifts for birthday’s, Christmas, a
thank-you, etc… Thank you, AttaBoy’s, for your continued service to our Lodge!!
For the third consecutive year, AttaBoy’s will be selling quarts of homemade soups each month to benefit charity. They will be offering 2 different kinds, and the cost is $10 per quart.
The soups available this month will be CREAM OF MUSHROOM and VEGETABLE SOUP. The soups must be pre-ordered! Deadline for ordering is February 28th, there is a sign-up sheet located by the Daily Book OR you can email AttaBoy’s at If you have any suggestions or special requests, please email them and they will add it to their list. The pick-up date will be on Wednesday, March 5th, between the hours of 5:00pm to 8:00pm. The soups will be in quart containers and will be cold. Thank you in advance for your orders.
Proceeds from the sales this year will support FUN and FREEDOM YOUTH SPORTS. Fun and Freedom was founded in 2003 by Deeni Riddle as a Christian faith-based non-profit organization. The organization strives to find a safe, healthy forum that offers a wide range of activities that will appeal to all youth. What began in 2003 as teaching only basketball skills have grown into a multi-faceted organization! They conduct year-round multi-sports activities, family and community outreaches, local and international missions
and have a vision for growth via their camp development project.
Their commitment is to continue to develop and direct activities and programs that will provide opportunities for youth targeting key areas of their growth and development so they may:
Become Physically Fit * Become Socially Well Adjusted * Become Morally and Spiritually Aware and Grow in Faith * Increase Their Self Esteem
Check out their website at